How To- Thank You for Making this Program What It Is

I was “supposed to” make an offer to work with me tonight…

But after reading all of your questions, encouragement, and appreciation, I decided to instead take a moment to thank each and every one of you for joining me on this journey.

For those of you who do not know, I never set out to create this business or to become a financial educator.

I started the How To Be A Money Master program to help my daughter and my “adopted” kids learn how to flatten the learning curve so they did not have to struggle as they started out on their own.

I started the facebook group and website so they would have an easy way to find the information (and because I was too busy to tell the same thing to each of them individually). They chose the name. They chose the topics. I was just there to mentor them, just like I had when they were growing up in 4-H.

Then their friends wanted to join.

Then their parents wanted to join.

I mean, who can blame them? These things are NOT taught in schools and I was putting it all out there for free. All my years of education and experience. I encouraged interaction and exploration. And it was a safe place, free from judgement and “should”s.

Not too long after starting this journey I realized I was born with a mission. To help you make your dreams a reality. And I can do this through teaching financial freedom.

I am on a mission to help at least 1 million people break free from financial stress by 2030, whether it be living paycheck-to-paycheck, not being ready for retirement, not maximizing your financial potential, or whatever is stopping you from being financially free. In doing so I will help end generational poverty.

So, thank you!!!

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